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The Son Become Servant
By Thomas Cosmades
Agur (gatherer) –
unknown to anyone – could be an inspired non-Hebrew writer.
He introduces himself as ‘too
stupid and without understanding of a man’. There is probably no other
person in the Bible who so demeans himself
(cf. Proverbs 30:1-3).
Following some thought-provoking marvels he suddenly lifts his survey
to the metaphysical realm with the question,
“What is his name, and what is his
son’s name?” (cf. 4c). He
immediately proceeds to supply a profound affirmation:
“Surely you know!”
This person who calls himself
‘stupid’ is one of the wise
writers in the Old Testament who knew God and His Son.
The prophet Isaiah who probably lived a few hundred years after Agur
and a few hundred years prior to the advent of the Son joyfully celebrated
the unique verity (9:6).
Antecedent to both writers, the Psalmist conveyed another
inspired truth regarding the Son who was ordained to redeem men and
ultimately reign over the whole human race
(45:6; cf. Heb. 1:8, 9).
I. The Righteous Servant is
Humbled on Behalf of Sinners, 52:14, 15; 53:1-4
Man’s unbelief in God’s
most amazing act strikes Isaiah profoundly.
Unbelief is probably the greatest
barrier to the God-ordained grant of free salvation.
The writers, John and Paul, quote Isaiah to remind their readers
regarding human unbelief toward God’s mighty provision
(cf. John
Man’s wrestling with
unbelief reaches into four areas:
Scientific – “I cannot believe in anything that cannot be proved in the
Deliberate – Man’s hardheadedness is extremely difficult to change.
(John 8:24, 45; Acts
14:2; Hebrews 3:12)
Wavering – “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!”
Ignorance – “…because I had acted
ignorantly in unbelief” (I Timothy
The Son became servant
to activate faith in your inmost being and reveal to everyone the
transcendent riches of God. The
Holy Spirit is in continuous operation to destroy human unbelief toward
II. The Righteous Servant was judged on behalf of sinners (7, 8, 10)
There is an inescapable
divine judgment awaiting every unrepentant sinner whether he/she anticipates
it or not. This judgment is
fully just – above all other judgments.
The guilty person will encounter all his sins at the end.
There will be no excuse or getting out of it.
Christ often mentioned this.
The judgment to come carries a forceful warning by Christ himself.
These are the most authoritative and solemn alarm signs.
Millions who never stood before a temporal judge will find their
final destiny to be determined by the Eternal Judge.
Philip the evangelist illuminated the Ethiopian treasurer who was
wrestling with a passage from Isaiah.
The official —acquainted with court procedures— was struck by the
harsh judgment of the innocent servant.
The faultless Judge who was tried and executed by faulty judges under
the cloud of injustice mystified the Ethiopian nobleman.
Immediately convinced, he believed and sought baptism.
One night the Servant of
God was praying in the Garden.
Suddenly a band of soldiers and officers led by the betraying disciple
stormed him with lanterns, torches and weapons.
They seized and bound him after which they took him to the religious
hierarchy. Anna the high priest
interrogated him harshly. The
Benefactor was tried by those he had come to make beneficiaries.
Their verdict was unmistakable.
They had to have the death sentence pronounced by the timid,
indecisive, compromising governor the next morning. God’s Servant was tossed
between Pilate and contemptuous King Herod, followed by a jeering crowd. In
an atmosphere of derision, he was led to
III. The Righteous Servant was
Tortured on Behalf of Sinners (5)
The sinless-deathless
Christ was identified with our race in his Incarnation.
He was born to suffer and die for our redemption.
John’s introduction to the crowds was,
“Behold the Lamb of God”.
He assumed the equitable deserve for sin.
Job said, “Man born of a woman
is full of trouble” (5:7; 14:1).
Man born of a woman is born to die
(cf. 2 Samuel
IV. The Righteous Servant will usher Sinners to Eternal Glory (11)
He fulfilled perfect
service to Adam’s helpless race.
He forgave all those who disliked and hated Him.
He alone gave us the example of how to forgive our enemies, and love
them. He alone offered the
example of serving our fellow-humans, seeking their welfare.
He alone unfolded the ‘why’ of suffering which buffets our race to
this day. He alone established
His Church from the blood-bought multitude, once shackled by sin’s power.
He alone made
Thomas Cosmades – 2010